Amy Adams (Lois Lane)

Batman v Superman - Clark, Lois and Perry [Extended cut]

Batman v Superman - Superman saves Lois

You smell good ... did i not before ? | Justice League

Lois Lane in search of Superman | Man of Steel

Lois pregnant scene || Zack Snyder Justice League

Man of Steel - It's not an S (2013)

Justice League - Lois/Clark (Edited and Rescored)

Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021) - Lois Lane visits Superman's monument

It's not an «S» 'Man of Steel' Behind The Scenes [+Subtitles]

Man of Steel 2013 | Clark meets Lois Lane

Zack Snyder's Justice League | Kiss Scene - Superman and Lois (Henry Cavill and Amy Adams)

Kal-El & Lois on the Krypton Ship | Man of Steel

Amy Adams finally gets to play Lois Lane

Lois Lane & Martha Kent | Justice League

Superman remembers Lois - Rescored scene with BvS music

Amy Adams & Jena Malone All Scenes | Batman v Superman

Clark Kent & Lois Lane on Kent Farm | Justice League

Batman v Superman - Superman was never real

Amy Adams reacts to Henry Cavill’s return as #Superman & reveals if she would come back as Lois Lane

Batman V Superman: Superman rescued Luis Lane from Drone attack (1080p)

Batman V Superman 'Lois Lane' Behind The Scenes Interview - Amy Adams

Henry Cavill & Amy Adams Take The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Batman v Superman: intervista Amy Adams, Lois Lane

Jor-El & Lois Lane | Man of Steel